Do This, Not That: Social Networking Tips by Amy Wunderlich
Networking, Personal Branding, Social Media

Do This, Not That: Social Networking Tips

The saying goes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Whether you live by that mantra or not, one thing is true: the more people you know, the better it can be for your career. In the digital world we live in, networking has never been easier and more convenient. You no longer need to leave your home to converse with like-minded professionals. Anyone you want to meet is just a click away online. Although increasingly popular, this digital method of networking has its own set of (unofficial) rules and etiquette to follow.

Recruitment Marketing 101 by Amy Wunderlich
Employer Branding, Marketing, Recruitment

Recruitment Marketing 101

Whether you work in HR or marketing, you’re likely familiar with the term “Recruitment Marketing”. But what exactly is it? Recruitment Marketing is a form of marketing used to attract, engage, and retain potential new hires. The tactics used in Recruitment Marketing range from content marketing to email marketing to social media to recruiting events to SEO and much more.

How to Become a Thought Leader by Amy Wunderlich
Leadership, Personal Branding

How to Become a Thought Leader

The term “thought leader” isn’t new but it’s certainly gaining momentum in the business world. A thought leader is anyone who is considered an expert in their field of expertise. Thought leaders are typically your go-to people when you have a question pertaining to their industry. They’re highly knowledgeable and are always staying abreast of new trends in their field.

How to Use Reddit for Hiring by Amy Wunderlich
Hiring, Recruitment, Social Media

How to Use Reddit for Hiring

A few months back, I wrote a blog, “The Best Social Media Networks for Finding a Job”, on how to find a job using various social networks. This time around, I’ve narrowed my focus on how hiring managers can utilize the popular network Reddit to find job seekers.

Favorite (Mostly) Free Resources to Improve Your Marketing in 2017 by Amy Wunderlich
Marketing, Social Media

Favorite (Mostly) Free Resources to Improve Your Marketing in 2017

I've collected a handful of my favorite marketing tips, tricks, infographics, eBooks & more to help you in 2017.